Condensed Computer Health Summary
See the overall health of all your agents in a colour coded, condensed report of all patch, anti-virus, last contact time and total number of tickets
Super Condensed. Multi Columned
Statistics pulled from the Patch manager, Anti-virus health, tickets and the computers last contact enabling you to see problems immediately at a glance.
Customize with your own thresholds, and easily spot problems
Customize your own thresholds for red, green and orange in the report to suit your own environment (instructions included). Run the report against all your clients, a single client, a single location or even a single computer.
How does it look? Here are some examples
ConnectWise Automate 12 – Patch 4
The new Report Center Plugin Installed
On the new Patch Manager
A full refund if for whatever reason the report won’t load into your environment *1
Tested working in Automate 12
Support for installation issues
Allowance to modify the report as much as you need *2
*1 – Subject to you engaging us to attempt to fix the problem
*2 – Report can be edited/modified/re-used but not redistributed or resold as a template
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