After reading a post on Reddit about there being different prices for the Action Pack for different languages, I decided to whip up a Powershell script that looped through all the language identifiers and extracted the bit of text I needed from each page. It’s probably possible to extract the currency, but given different languages etc I didn’t think it was worth the hassle. You can see the script I used below and the results right at the bottom. I thought this was a fun little project and a good example of how you can use Powershell to solve day to day curiosities! To work this you will need to download and extract the HtmlAgilityPack DLL from and update the import-module dll path; if you get an error importing it, ensure you have unblocked the DLL and relaunched Powershell. If I was going to change this, I’d output the display name of the language as opposed to the code.


$languageCodes = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultures([System.Globalization.CultureTypes]::SpecificCultures)

function Get-PriceData
Import-Module "C:\PowershellDevScripts\HtmlAgilityPack.dll" # Replace with your .dll path
$url = ''+ $args[0] + '/membership/action-pack'
$xpath = ‘//*[@id="main-content"]/div[2]/div/div/div/p[1]/text()[2]';
$doc = New-Object HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
$doc.LoadHtml((iwr $url).RawContent);

$finalResults = @{}
foreach ($language in $
Write-Host $language
$result = ""
$result = Get-PriceData $language
if ($result)
$finalResults.Add("$language", "$result")

Write-Host $result
start-sleep -Milliseconds 500

If you want a HTML version of below:

MSDN Action Pack Comparison

Name Key Value
af-ZA af-ZA when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
am-ET am-ET when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ar-AE ar-AE when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ar-BH ar-BH when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ar-DZ ar-DZ when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ar-EG ar-EG when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ar-IQ ar-IQ when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ar-JO ar-JO when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ar-KW ar-KW when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ar-LB ar-LB when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ar-LY ar-LY when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ar-MA ar-MA when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ar-OM ar-OM when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ar-QA ar-QA when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ar-SA ar-SA when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ar-SY ar-SY when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ar-TN ar-TN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ar-YE ar-YE when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
as-IN as-IN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ba-RU ba-RU when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
be-BY be-BY when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
bg-BG bg-BG when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
bn-BD bn-BD when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
bn-IN bn-IN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
bo-CN bo-CN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
br-FR br-FR when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ca-ES ca-ES when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
co-FR co-FR when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
cs-CZ cs-CZ when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for 380 € per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
cy-GB cy-GB when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
da-DK da-DK when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
de-AT de-AT . Für nur 380 € pro Jahr können Sie leistungsstarke Microsoft-Software in Ihrem Unternehmen einsetzen, um schneller und flexibler zu agieren. Weitere Leistungen:
de-CH de-CH . Für nur Fr. 450 pro Jahr können Sie leistungsstarke Microsoft-Software in Ihrem Unternehmen einsetzen, um schneller und flexibler zu agieren. Weitere Leistungen:
de-DE de-DE . Für nur 380 € pro Jahr können Sie leistungsstarke Microsoft-Software in Ihrem Unternehmen einsetzen, um schneller und flexibler zu agieren. Weitere Leistungen:
de-LI de-LI when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
de-LU de-LU when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
dv-MV dv-MV when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
el-GR el-GR when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for 380 € per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-AU en-AU when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $420 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-BE en-BE when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for {MPNMAPS} per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-BZ en-BZ when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-CA en-CA when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $500 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-CY en-CY when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for 380 € per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-DK en-DK when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for kr. 2.700 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-FI en-FI when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for 380 € per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-GB en-GB when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for £330 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-HK en-HK when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-ID en-ID when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $395 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-IE en-IE when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for 380 € per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-IN en-IN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for ₹ 22,000 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-JM en-JM when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $395 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-MT en-MT when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for 380 € per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-MY en-MY when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $395 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-NG en-NG when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-NL en-NL when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for 380 € per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-NZ en-NZ when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $510 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-PH en-PH when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $395 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-PK en-PK when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $395 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-PR en-PR when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $395 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-SE en-SE when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for 3.300 kr per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-SG en-SG when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-TT en-TT when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-US en-US when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-ZA en-ZA when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for R 4 400 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
en-ZW en-ZW when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
es-AR es-AR usando los beneficios de la nube de un Action Pack. Administre su empresa en forma rápida y ágil por $395 al año cuando usa un sólido conjunto de software de Microsoft. Beneficios adicionales:
es-BO es-BO usando los beneficios de la nube de un Action Pack. Administre su empresa en forma rápida y ágil por $395 al año cuando usa un sólido conjunto de software de Microsoft. Beneficios adicionales:
es-CL es-CL usando los beneficios de la nube de un Action Pack. Administre su empresa en forma rápida y ágil por $395 al año cuando usa un sólido conjunto de software de Microsoft. Beneficios adicionales:
es-CO es-CO usando los beneficios de la nube de un Action Pack. Administre su empresa en forma rápida y ágil por $395 al año cuando usa un sólido conjunto de software de Microsoft. Beneficios adicionales:
es-CR es-CR usando los beneficios de la nube de un Action Pack. Administre su empresa en forma rápida y ágil por $395 al año cuando usa un sólido conjunto de software de Microsoft. Beneficios adicionales:
es-DO es-DO usando los beneficios de la nube de un Action Pack. Administre su empresa en forma rápida y ágil por $395 al año cuando usa un sólido conjunto de software de Microsoft. Beneficios adicionales:
es-EC es-EC usando los beneficios de la nube de un Action Pack. Administre su empresa en forma rápida y ágil por $395 al año cuando usa un sólido conjunto de software de Microsoft. Beneficios adicionales:
es-ES es-ES usando los beneficios de la nube de un Action Pack. Administre su empresa en forma rápida y ágil por 380 € al año cuando usa un sólido conjunto de software de Microsoft. Beneficios adicionales:
es-GT es-GT usando los beneficios de la nube de un Action Pack. Administre su empresa en forma rápida y ágil por $395 al año cuando usa un sólido conjunto de software de Microsoft. Beneficios adicionales:
es-HN es-HN usando los beneficios de la nube de un Action Pack. Administre su empresa en forma rápida y ágil por $395 al año cuando usa un sólido conjunto de software de Microsoft. Beneficios adicionales:
es-MX es-MX usando los beneficios de la nube de un Action Pack. Administre su empresa en forma rápida y ágil por $5,100 al año cuando usa un sólido conjunto de software de Microsoft. Beneficios adicionales:
es-NI es-NI usando los beneficios de la nube de un Action Pack. Administre su empresa en forma rápida y ágil por $395 al año cuando usa un sólido conjunto de software de Microsoft. Beneficios adicionales:
es-PA es-PA usando los beneficios de la nube de un Action Pack. Administre su empresa en forma rápida y ágil por $395 al año cuando usa un sólido conjunto de software de Microsoft. Beneficios adicionales:
es-PE es-PE usando los beneficios de la nube de un Action Pack. Administre su empresa en forma rápida y ágil por $395 al año cuando usa un sólido conjunto de software de Microsoft. Beneficios adicionales:
es-PR es-PR usando los beneficios de la nube de un Action Pack. Administre su empresa en forma rápida y ágil por $395 al año cuando usa un sólido conjunto de software de Microsoft. Beneficios adicionales:
es-PY es-PY usando los beneficios de la nube de un Action Pack. Administre su empresa en forma rápida y ágil por $395 al año cuando usa un sólido conjunto de software de Microsoft. Beneficios adicionales:
es-SV es-SV usando los beneficios de la nube de un Action Pack. Administre su empresa en forma rápida y ágil por $395 al año cuando usa un sólido conjunto de software de Microsoft. Beneficios adicionales:
es-US es-US when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
es-UY es-UY usando los beneficios de la nube de un Action Pack. Administre su empresa en forma rápida y ágil por $395 al año cuando usa un sólido conjunto de software de Microsoft. Beneficios adicionales:
es-VE es-VE usando los beneficios de la nube de un Action Pack. Administre su empresa en forma rápida y ágil por $395 al año cuando usa un sólido conjunto de software de Microsoft. Beneficios adicionales:
et-EE et-EE when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
eu-ES eu-ES when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
fa-IR fa-IR when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
fi-FI fi-FI when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
fo-FO fo-FO when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
fr-BE fr-BE . Pour 380 € par an vous pouvez profiter d’un ensemble robuste de logiciels Microsoft et disposer de la rapidité et de la flexibilité opérationnelles nécessaires pour votre entreprise. Avantages supplémentaires :
fr-CA fr-CA . Pour $500 par an vous pouvez profiter d’un ensemble robuste de logiciels Microsoft et disposer de la rapidité et de la flexibilité opérationnelles nécessaires pour votre entreprise. Avantages supplémentaires :
fr-CD fr-CD when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
fr-CH fr-CH . Pour Fr. 450 par an vous pouvez profiter d’un ensemble robuste de logiciels Microsoft et disposer de la rapidité et de la flexibilité opérationnelles nécessaires pour votre entreprise. Avantages supplémentaires :
fr-CI fr-CI when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
fr-CM fr-CM when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
fr-DZ fr-DZ when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
fr-FR fr-FR . Pour 380 € par an vous pouvez profiter d’un ensemble robuste de logiciels Microsoft et disposer de la rapidité et de la flexibilité opérationnelles nécessaires pour votre entreprise. Avantages supplémentaires :
fr-HT fr-HT when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
fr-LU fr-LU . Pour {MPNMAPS} par an vous pouvez profiter d’un ensemble robuste de logiciels Microsoft et disposer de la rapidité et de la flexibilité opérationnelles nécessaires pour votre entreprise. Avantages supplémentaires :
fr-MA fr-MA when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
fr-MC fr-MC when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
fr-ML fr-ML when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
fr-RE fr-RE when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
fr-SN fr-SN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
fr-TN fr-TN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
fy-NL fy-NL when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ga-IE ga-IE when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
gd-GB gd-GB when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
gl-ES gl-ES when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
gn-PY gn-PY when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
gu-IN gu-IN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
he-IL he-IL when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
hi-IN hi-IN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
hr-BA hr-BA when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
hr-HR hr-HR when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
hu-HU hu-HU when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for 380 € per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
hy-AM hy-AM when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
id-ID id-ID when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ig-NG ig-NG when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ii-CN ii-CN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
is-IS is-IS when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
it-CH it-CH when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
it-IT it-IT . Gestisci il tuo business in modo agile e veloce al costo di 380 € all’anno con un set affidabile di prodotti software Microsoft. Vantaggi aggiuntivi:
ja-JP ja-JP 。マイクロソフトの堅牢なソフトウェア一式をご利用いただく場合、年間 ¥42,000 で、スピードと機敏性に優れたビジネスの運営が可能になります。追加特典:
ka-GE ka-GE when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
kk-KZ kk-KZ when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
kl-GL kl-GL when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
km-KH km-KH when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
kn-IN kn-IN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ko-KR ko-KR 보다 약 두 배나 더 늘어납니다. 연간 ₩539,000의 비용으로 강력한 Microsoft 소프트웨어 세트를 사용하여 빠르고 민첩하게 비즈니스를 운영해 보세요. 추가 혜택은 다음과 같습니다.
ky-KG ky-KG when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
lb-LU lb-LU when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
lo-LA lo-LA when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
lt-LT lt-LT when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
lv-LV lv-LV when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
mg-MG mg-MG when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
mi-NZ mi-NZ when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
mk-MK mk-MK when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ml-IN ml-IN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
mn-MN mn-MN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
mr-IN mr-IN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ms-BN ms-BN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ms-MY ms-MY when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
mt-MT mt-MT when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
my-MM my-MM when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
nb-NO nb-NO when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ne-IN ne-IN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ne-NP ne-NP when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
nl-BE nl-BE when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
nl-NL nl-NL when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
nn-NO nn-NO when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
oc-FR oc-FR when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
om-ET om-ET when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
or-IN or-IN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
pa-IN pa-IN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
pl-PL pl-PL when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for 380 € per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ps-AF ps-AF when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
pt-AO pt-AO when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
pt-BR pt-BR ao utilizar os benefícios da nuvem como parceiro do Action Pack. Administre sua empresa com velocidade e agilidade por R$ 860 por ano usando um conjunto eficiente de softwares da Microsoft. Benefícios adicionais:
pt-PT pt-PT ao utilizar os benefícios da nuvem como parceiro do Action Pack. Administre sua empresa com velocidade e agilidade por 380 € por ano usando um conjunto eficiente de softwares da Microsoft. Benefícios adicionais:
rm-CH rm-CH when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ro-MD ro-MD when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ro-RO ro-RO when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for 380 € per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ru-KZ ru-KZ , пользуясь преимуществами облака в качестве партнера Action Pack. Обеспечьте быструю и гибкую работу бизнеса за $395 в год за счет надежного набора программных продуктов корпорации Майкрософт. Дополнительные преимущества:
ru-UA ru-UA , пользуясь преимуществами облака в качестве партнера Action Pack. Обеспечьте быструю и гибкую работу бизнеса за $395 в год за счет надежного набора программных продуктов корпорации Майкрософт. Дополнительные преимущества:
rw-RW rw-RW when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
sa-IN sa-IN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
se-FI se-FI when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
se-NO se-NO when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
se-SE se-SE when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
si-LK si-LK when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
sk-SK sk-SK when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for 380 € per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
sl-SI sl-SI when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
so-SO so-SO when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
sq-AL sq-AL when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
st-ZA st-ZA when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
sv-FI sv-FI when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
sv-SE sv-SE when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
sw-KE sw-KE when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ta-IN ta-IN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ta-LK ta-LK when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
te-IN te-IN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
th-TH th-TH when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $395 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ti-ER ti-ER when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ti-ET ti-ET when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
tk-TM tk-TM when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
tn-BW tn-BW when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
tn-ZA tn-ZA when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
tr-TR tr-TR yaklaşık iki katı kadar bulut hacmi satın. Üstün Microsoft yazılımlarını kullanmaya başlayarak yıllık $395 karşılığında işletmenize hız ve çeviklik katın. Ek avantajlar:
ts-ZA ts-ZA when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
tt-RU tt-RU when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ug-CN ug-CN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
uk-UA uk-UA when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ur-IN ur-IN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
ur-PK ur-PK when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
vi-VN vi-VN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
wo-SN wo-SN when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
xh-ZA xh-ZA when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
yo-NG yo-NG when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
zh-CN zh-CN 。使用一组强大的 Microsoft 软件,你可以快速灵活地以每年 ¥2,600 的成本开展业务运营。附加权益:
zh-HK zh-HK 。當您使用一套完善的 Microsoft 軟體時,每年可以 $475 迅速靈活地經營您的事業。其他權益:
zh-MO zh-MO when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
zh-SG zh-SG when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits:
zh-TW zh-TW 。當您使用一套完善的 Microsoft 軟體時,每年可以 NT$14,000 迅速靈活地經營您的事業。其他權益:
zu-ZA zu-ZA when you utilize cloud benefits as an Action Pack partner. Run your business with speed and agility for $475 per year when you use a robust set of Microsoft software. Additional benefits: