Internal Monitor – RAWSQL – Machine’s running Office 2007 (V12) or Earlier

2021-11-03T22:05:31+00:00November 10th, 2017|

I thought this one of mine was worth sharing, especially helpful if you need a method of mass generating alerts/tickets/warnings for clients running Office 2007 or earlier. Internal Monitor - SOFTWARE - Office 2007 or Below Installed - Zipped SQL Download Install Instructions: Extract the .SQL file out of the zip download above In the LabTech CC, go to [...]

RAWSQL Help and Tutorial – A how to, plus an internal monitor example to Detect Hung Servers and run Custom SQL in LabTech

2021-11-03T22:08:32+00:00September 6th, 2017|

The internal monitor referenced in this post can be downloaded here: LT - Offline Servers Custom - Hung Server I've been meaning to do a blog on RAWSQL monitors for a while - so here it is! The initial request is here The first request there is attached as a RAWSQL Internal monitor. Extract the .SQL from this and [...]

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