A task for this morning that I thought I’d share the outcome to! I like having things in roles, it makes detecting them and scripting with them a lot easier.
{%@manage-bde -status@%} Protection Status:[ \t]+Protection On
A task for this morning that I thought I’d share the outcome to! I like having things in roles, it makes detecting them and scripting with them a lot easier.
{%@manage-bde -status@%} Protection Status:[ \t]+Protection On
Great Idea Gav!
Adding CWA KB for adding role definitions: https://docs.connectwise.com/ConnectWise_Automate/ConnectWise_Automate_Documentation/060/200/020
well what is the outcome?
How do we detect machines with the newly added Role within a client? I see there is search-ability for “Computer.Labtech.Roles” in advanced search, and the new Role is visible under “Has role”, but there is not detection yet.